In a week and 2 days, I will be moving out of my parents house, for good!
I know I should be excited, but to be honest, I'm a little afraid. Yes, I am 25 years
old now, but it's still a big step. Moving out, ummm. Not having to hear my parents
shout "What are you doing with your life?" on a weekly basis will be great & not having my
mom telling me that its cold outside, that I should remember to wear a scarf, or not to run for the
bus because it's better to lose your bus then lose your life. THAT will not be missed. (I know mom, Im not an idiot,
I just dont put my scarf on 20 minutes before leaving, while still getting ready. And running for the bus, when do I
EVER run?)
Although, I will surely yearn for my parents when Im sick, or when I come home exhausted, expecting
a warm dinner to be ready for me. I am not a brat, I PROMISE. My mom and dad just act like real
parents, in the sense that, they make my food and give me medicine when Im sick or, answer me
frankly when I ask them if I look fat in my new dress. Yes Yes my mom still does my laundry.
But I don't ASK her to, and I do it too, it's just that sometimes, if I leave my dirty clothes in my basket
for lets say, over a week, she grabs my stuff and puts it with hers. I thank her profusely for it. My sweet
little mum. Some Non-Montrealers or french Montrealers will not understand why I waited so long to move out.
In my culture & many European cultures, you do not leave your parents' house until you marry. Now, I am not
getting married by any means, BUT, I am moving in with my boyfriend. I never thought, that I needed to move
out of my parents house because I never expected to live in Montreal for long. For me, it was just
a waste of money. I rather save for New York, London, Stockholm or Berlin! I have been away for a year, so it's nice to be back for now, surrounded by friends and family. Also I am gaining skills in marketing/PR, bar tending & Acting, So Im not ready to go just yet. Life is a lot cheaper here, but when I have used up all I can get out of Montreal, I hope "the boyfriend" will be ready to pack his things because, I'm OUT OF HERE!
p.s: If you have any advice on cheap ways to decorate your first apartment or on how to deal with moving in as a couple for the first time , feel free to send me comments.
TACK SA MYCKET (thank you so much in Swedish)
Friday, June 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A year later...
Hello, Hello, Hello fellow bloggers or blog readers.
It has been ages since I have written. I know!
But you know what they say, when you are too busy living your life,
you don't have time to write about it.
Now by that logic, I'd be saying that I have nothing to do.
It is not entirely true. I am only procrastinating & pretending to be busy working,
not to leave POP Montreal too soon. It'd look bad. Oh yeah, I'm an intern at
POP Montreal now. The International music festival. Pretty cool isn't it?
I'd love to actually work here. (not being paid atm, it's fun but it just means I
need to juggle my internship AND a server job at a restaurant in the Old Port).
I am also currently looking for a flat. (apartment, place, wtv, I lived in London so deal!)
Leaving the parents' nest for good this time. Coming back from Europe was brutal enough and having to move in with my parents was the kick in the gut I did not need. There's a new man in my life and things are going as well as they can possibly go because... we are moving it together, TADA!
It's a first for both of us so I know for a fact that it's because we both believe and feel that we are right for each other
& IF somehow, we are wrong, well, we'll find out a lot faster won't we?
So much has happened since my last post! (a year ago?)
I have lived & nannied in London while taking an acting course & doing crazy things a single 23 year old would do in such a wonderful city. I travelled around Europe for 4 months (mostly on my own) & met a ton of absolutely WONDERFUL people that I am absolutely saddened not to see everyday (You know who you are). I came back to Montreal to find out I had only truly missed a few people & was really depressed from my return. Until 9 days later, I met the boy I am now looking for flats with. In the midst of all this, I lost my grand mother & a friend a few months previous to that. Also Lost ended. Now my cat is not doing well & she has been a part of the family for 14 years. The clock is ticking & again, I am noticing myself holding my breath. There are definitely a mixture of happy and sad in my heart, but that's life. It throws you punches and you just have to put your head down and keep swinging.
I love you all,
It's nice to be back on the interwebs.
It has been ages since I have written. I know!
But you know what they say, when you are too busy living your life,
you don't have time to write about it.
Now by that logic, I'd be saying that I have nothing to do.
It is not entirely true. I am only procrastinating & pretending to be busy working,
not to leave POP Montreal too soon. It'd look bad. Oh yeah, I'm an intern at
POP Montreal now. The International music festival. Pretty cool isn't it?
I'd love to actually work here. (not being paid atm, it's fun but it just means I
need to juggle my internship AND a server job at a restaurant in the Old Port).
I am also currently looking for a flat. (apartment, place, wtv, I lived in London so deal!)
Leaving the parents' nest for good this time. Coming back from Europe was brutal enough and having to move in with my parents was the kick in the gut I did not need. There's a new man in my life and things are going as well as they can possibly go because... we are moving it together, TADA!
It's a first for both of us so I know for a fact that it's because we both believe and feel that we are right for each other
& IF somehow, we are wrong, well, we'll find out a lot faster won't we?
So much has happened since my last post! (a year ago?)
I have lived & nannied in London while taking an acting course & doing crazy things a single 23 year old would do in such a wonderful city. I travelled around Europe for 4 months (mostly on my own) & met a ton of absolutely WONDERFUL people that I am absolutely saddened not to see everyday (You know who you are). I came back to Montreal to find out I had only truly missed a few people & was really depressed from my return. Until 9 days later, I met the boy I am now looking for flats with. In the midst of all this, I lost my grand mother & a friend a few months previous to that. Also Lost ended. Now my cat is not doing well & she has been a part of the family for 14 years. The clock is ticking & again, I am noticing myself holding my breath. There are definitely a mixture of happy and sad in my heart, but that's life. It throws you punches and you just have to put your head down and keep swinging.
I love you all,
It's nice to be back on the interwebs.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Friday, December 18, 2009
No strings attached...
When losing someone that you love, through a break up, what can a single 20 smthg year old woman do if she finds herself in need of some affection or "winding down"? One night stands, friends with benefits? It might work, unless you are not over your ex. After speaking to a few single gals I have had a unanimous answer, every time they gave themselves to guys they didn't really care for post-break up, they'd end up in tears. So how do you know you are really over someone, or can you ever really get over someone who has had such a strong impact on your life? It suddenly dawned on me, I have been single for a little over a year now but have had huge problems letting myself enjoy fully any sort of connection with the male gender ever since. It seems like part of me shut off on the "emotional availability" side. I am aware that I am not the only one in this situation, which is a good thing in a way but on the other hand it means thats it's an issue for a lot of girls my age & I would like to resolve it. What are we suppose to do? Should we listen to Likke li : "and for you I keep my legs apart and forget about my tainted heart"? Or Is celibacy still an option these days? I got to thinking, if Guys can have sex without feelings but when girls sleep with guys they don't care about, emotions from the past resurface, does it take falling in love to keep our exes out of our beds?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I'm a survivor!
15 days since I first arrived to London & I am EXHAUSTED! I have officially became a mum. I wake up at stupid o' clock because I have to feed breakfast to the kids, I change their nappies , get them dressed, play with them, watch kids shows, stroll them around, put them in their car seats, hold them when they cry, pick up after them, make and give them their milk, put them to bed and the next day it starts all over. I have a huge respect for mothers & have now realized that being a stay at home job is definitely not for "lazy women" it is the HARDEST job there is. I don't care if you are a mechanic, a rocket scientist, a heart surgeon or wtv else. Being a full time mom of more than one child is hell & bliss all at once but there is definitely more hell to it. I am not saying I hate it here because I don't. Liam is getting use to me, I can carry him without him trying to commit suicide because he sees me. He actually cries if I don't hold him sometimes. Emma plays with me and randomly hugs me. My new name is Milia now since she cant say Camelia. It's the cutest thing, before going to bed she says : Night night Milia! in her british accent with her thumb in her mouth. <3 As you can see, there are tons of good things but Jeez!!! I can't do anything after a day working. I just pass out, all the time!!! Which is exactly what Im going to do right now. Its almost 1 am and I have to wake up at 7:30 am tomorrow (It's my late day, usually I wake up at 6:30 am). Here are a few pictures of my two little monsters & bluebell, the cat.
Emma Macnamara
Maybe if I don't move, that crazy Bitch will go away.
Liam a.k.a Maggot man!
18 year old BlueBell
People definitely DON'T mistake him as my child when we go out!
Mister Man!!
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