They mixed so many genres, the singer (Ben Hackeman) screamed, sang broadway style, and other styles in one song it was sick. the bass lines killed me. anyway
After we went to the dogs bullocks. I also went there 2 nights ago with Emily to meet my new friend Korey S.
But tonight was Karaoke night. I was looking forward to making a fool out of myself. there was this fat old probably russian man dancing to every single song and singing along.
"I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more!"
He walked around the whole bar singing that...awww man good times
Im pretty freaking tanked.
Here's to the fact that for the second time, the dj stop picking names before it was my turn

to all the sex and the city fans out there, Im also imitating Carrie, immitating Berger when Lauren called and left a message on his answering machine
To all the drunk people in the house say ; eyyyyyyyy yoooooooo!!!