I haven't written in a while, not because I had nothing to say but because too much has been happening & I had no time nor no idea where to start. I arrived in Toronto last night around 8:30 pm. I missed my dear friend Emily even if we spent New years together, I couldn't go another day without being next to her. She is the kind of person that listens to everything I actually have to say, will remember people I mention & give me great advice or just let me bitch.
I have no idea when Im coming back from Toronto. Im thinking of going straight to New York from there and then go back home, but come to think of it, besides a few really close friends (Stef of course Im thinking of you), I have nothing to go back to.
Thats what i had to talk to you about lol. I left the next morning after the party. but you left without saing goodbye so I couldnt tell you.... I bused it there. Im staying downtown in the portuguese area haha.
Emily has the scikest house, they have a loft upstairs w a recording studio. Im having a baller time :)
awww cam. well it's good to just drop everything and to get away and i really hope you have a good time. i want to see you when you get back!
come back butt
toronto is dumb
Hey honey. No school? Took a semester off?
ooo I didn't notice Emily in the back!
Hi beautifuls! kiss kiss meow meow.
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