Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I am not dead

I just want y'all to know that I haven't blogged in a while since I've been traveling all over the place & now that I'm back home, my friend Emily from toronto is staying with me so I have no time. Maybe this weekend ill sit down and write a few of my crazy traveling stories!!!!
On this note I'll just mention that my travel list is way shorter now since I've been to: Toronto, Vancouver, drove through Seattle, Camped at the Gorge in George Washington, went back to vancouver for a couple days, then back to toronto for a few days. 
My birthday is coming up (in 10 days) still don't know what I want to do though. 
I'm also going to celebrate it in New York, which should be SICK!

Try to figure out what Im thinking about by just looking very carefully at this picture. I have just noticed myself something I never saw in it before and that completely describes me in 2 words!
Wow I love it!!


Melissa said...

are you talking about the "miso horny" sign in the back? lol

Nana said...

in love? with the guy (that we can only see the nose of?) It's a beautiful pic. You look natural & the eyes are super expressive. Hope you have a blast in NY!

Camelia in the city said...

melissa:yes the miso horny

nana;thank you!