Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Life is fleeting

On September 7th 2009 I lost my dear grand father to a pneumonia. He was completely fine and in two weeks he just started to look more and more like a corpse & his body shut off, day by day until it took him away.
Today, one of my best friend's step father's body was found in the St-laurent river after being missing since friday sept. 11 afternoon, the day after my grand father's burial.I feel like I'm floating in this completely FUCKED UP WORLD where it can all go to shits in an instant. I'm not even depressed or pessimistic, I still believe that life has an incredible amount of great things in store for me. I just wonder when it's all going to turn around. I'm aware that I have to make things happen for myself but with all these events, it's just quite hard to focus on other things. I just wish I could stop losing people I love, at least for a little while.


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