Thursday, January 22, 2009


I've been searching and searching for months for a pair of mediocre looking warm boots that are waterproof and NON Uggs.
I spent hours in different stores,malls,  even went to the Montreal & Toronto Eaton center, but   
Finally, a couple hours ago, I was fruit shopping with Emily in Kensington market & walked by this tiny vintage store with a bunch of different boots. I found the perfect pair on a rack outside, they were MY size, black, warm & waterproof!!!! So I thought, alright, its a vintage store, they are probably 200$ To my surprise, they "were 50$" but she gave them to me for 35$  NO TAX! I dont even care if she lied Im just so stoked that I have non puddle filled boots that make me leave water footsteps everywhere I go because my socks are drenched.

I also was convinced to buy red lingerie if I wanted a  sexy good time. Maybe it'll help me?
Meh, can't hurt right?


p.s: yes I bought a Carrie horseshoe pendant :)


Camelia in the city said...


2) Kensington market rocks my world, I tried on hidious sparkly, beaded 80s prom dresses!
I use to be against T.O. Im always going to be defensive and fight for montreal but I always have things to do here and I have a GRRRRR-eeeaaaatttt time!

3) This comment has to be sarcastic or Im going to fall off my chair

Anonymous said...

OH YES, the Carrie horseshow pendant! NICE! And really nice boots, they're great.

Melissa said...

those boots are very nice!
and i love kensington market, it's the only place in toronto i can stand. Do you remember what the place was called? because i used to always go to the same vintage store there and i loved it, i bet it's the same one.

Camelia in the city said...

anonymous: thank you :)

mel: I have no clue what the name of the store was. Its owned by a black couple in their early 50s. they were SO NICE!!!

kenter said...

great boobs i mean boots cam!

Camelia in the city said...

aww dont be gross Kent!