This trip is long overdue since I haven't been back, not once, and I've been in Montreal since Christmas day 2007!
Memories started flooding back, some good, some bad, but it definitely makes me miss the good times. :)
Living in Vancouver was SO different than living in Montreal.
No one speaks French there, that's one thing. There are 50% more asians & the city is surrounded by the sea and mountains. It's Gorgeous!

Montreal is a sweet city, it'll always be my hometown but I never felt like I really belonged here. Vancouver was beautiful, but not exactly my rhythm either. Which is why New York is my next step.
On another note, after staying in Vancouver for a couple days, my trip will lead me to Seattle, where the Lovely Naomi invited me to a Film Festival Premiere.
Then, if all goes according to plan, she will join Greg and I on our road trip to George, Washington , where a couple of my friends from California will drive up to as well.
The Sasquatch Festival will be 3 days/nights of drunk camping and ear drums exploding to the sound of:
Explosion in the sky, Tv on the Radio, the Decemberists and more...

Im looking forward to this adventure and to walking again!!
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