- Approx from May 22 to May 26 Depending on my flying partner, go from Montreal or Toronto to Vancouver and road trip to Washington for the Sasquatch Festival
- End of June quick trip to New York to visit apartments & hang with the future roomies (Veronica & Gabby)
- July 1st to July 14th L.A trip with Stefanie Rosales. We have been planning this for over 4 years.
- August or September, moving to New York city. (Again, this is 80% sure)
Friday, March 27, 2009
Where is Walmelia?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Is it because its wrong & bad & we shouldn't?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Rocky Balboa

My little cocktail. I have to take it every 4 hours

Unused Syringe

Used syringe

Some of the bruises I got from the injections
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I feel like...Jason Street
Pre-Op pic
(trick to make sure they wont operate on the wrong knee in my case)
I was in the hospital from March 12th 6:30 am to March 13th 8 pm.
I was suppose to stay another night but I begged to leave, I couldn't take it anymore. Sharing a room with a 76 year old half senile woman with Alzheimer was funny at times but I mostly was just losing my shit.
It might be difficult to be coherent & even finish this blog from all the drugs I have taken today. They make me really drowsy but I NEED them to survive!!!
In my last blog, I wrote that my surgery was going to take 90 minutes.
As I was on my way to the operation room, they told me that it was a 3 hour surgery and that they were going to keep me for a few days. I went into a panic. Why did everyone tell me different informations, I thought I was going to leave a few hours after surgery??? How was I suppose to tell my parents now that I would be HOSPITALIZED?? WHO WOULD REACH THEM FOR ME!!!??
Since it was a longer surgery, it meant that the amount of pain I was going to be in after I woke up, would be a lot greater than expected. Therefore, before putting me to sleep, I was injected REALLY close to my crotch on my “hip” to relax my leg(half of my woo woo was uncovered and all the people present in the room were hot men in their late 20s, I didn’t know what to do with myself.) Then, they did what they call a “Bloc”. First, they use an ultrasound scan on the inside of my thigh, where they showed me my muscles etc and THEN, they shoved a really thick, hollow and long needle (thats what she said) 9 cm deep in my thigh. Let me just say, that shot they gave me in the hip right before is probably the only thing that stopped me from ripping out that needle and stab one of the anesthetists in the eye! Every time they pushed it burned and burned more. I was getting STABBED in the leg. There’s no other way to put it. The whole point behind that, was to put a wire through that big ass needle 9 cm deep inside of me (in other circumstances it would NOT be a bad thing ;) ) , plug it to an I.V and the liquid would freeze my leg, so I wouldn’t feel as much pain while I was at the hospital. There was one more step to go through before going inside the operation room.
One of the guys there: Wine? Martini?
Me: Double Scotch on the Rocks please.
That’s what they were calling the injections they were going to give me since I was a little nervous. A really high dosage of some kind of drug. I loved it. I ended up also having a “tequila shot”. 5 seconds later, I was floating on a cloud and hitting on my anesthetist with my eyes, he was flirting back, is that professional? Don’t think so but DON’T MIND. (Him: Don’t worry, I’ll be in the next room with you, I’ll make sure you are fine. Then winking at me) Nice! :P
When we got to the operation room, I didn’t even have time to see my Foxy Surgeon because I was injected right away to fall asleep. I don’t remember how it happened, but my arms were tied up like Jesus and then I woke up in the “salle de reveille” where my “DILF” surgeon was caressing my hair saying my name. He said it went really well and that we would see each other soon. I think I may have passed out mid- sentence. A really cute mother type nurse gave me at least 3 morphine injections before rolling me down to my room.
The woman I shared the room with kept on talking to herself and taking the phone to call her house to speak to her husband who died years ago. It was a little sad. I hope to never get to that point. It’s so weird because one minute she would be COMPLETELY senile and the next give me advice on life and it would totally make sense.
For the next 30 hours, I was lying on this hospital bed, plugged to an I.V on my hand and my hip, with a nurse checking my pulse, oxygen & blood pressure every hour. I again had to pee in a bowl they would put under my bum. You have no dignity left after you leave a hospital. I'm just glad I was able to wipe myself and i didn't have to take a dump. But a LOT of people saw my butt there. It's better than an old butt I'm sure haha. It’s not a myth, hospital food IS that gross. It’s probably the reason why, as I was cleaning my self up (bowl of soapy water with a cloth style), I vomited. :/
When it was about time for me to leave, one of my many nurses told me that she had to teach me how to shot myself in the stomach first. Yes I do mean injecting by shooting, it just doesn’t have the same impact. Since a tendon was implanted in my knee to act as a PCL, it could create blood clot. The injections thin out my blood. I have done it 4 times so far. For the people who know me really well, yes it is one of the worse things anyone could ask me to do but I knew that this time, there was no place for fear (haha).
I have a little over a week of stomach injections to do. If anyone is interested to come and see. I do it everyday at 2 pm.
I took out my bandages on sunday & was frightened with what I saw. I just thought I’d share my experience with y’all.

As you can see, there are only 4 ligaments holding your knee together I have 3 out of 4 that are torn. Luckily my MCL will heal on his own. Now we just fixed my PCL which will take at least 6 months to be at it's best & then depending on me & my Doctor, I might get another surgery to fix my ACL.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
One day away...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Kid Cudi
Friday, March 6, 2009
Old blog I wrote over a year ago
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Honey, be careful!
The cross streets Pender and Abbott will be remembered by me & a few for a really really long time.
Most Humans are programmed to think that tragic things wont never happen to them.
Let me tell you one thing, Mami, Naomi and I sure didn't think that crossing the street on a green light would get us all simultaneously hit by an SUV. I will write what happened in more details later but I think im going to nap now. too much effort
[Now December 9th, a month later]
So basically we all got hit and went flying in different directions on the street. I thought Mami was dead or dying, I couldnt get up, was twitching and heard naomi crying. then the bitch that hit us started yelling at me for jaywalking when I didnt and i remember the cops coming and the ambulances. I also was able with some superhero strenght to call Kent and let him know we got hit. I told the paramedic I didnt want to go in the ambulance because I couldnt afford it and the first thing I said when they put me on the strecher was: oh god I sure wish I would have shaved my legs. ahahhahahah yup. for some reason my sens of humor came out when I was in shock. When we got to the hospital and the police officer came in to see how I was I answered; just chilling, you? As I was on a hospital bed w a neckbrace and plugged to an IV. Jeez Im such a comedian! :P
We stayed in the hospital for about 12 hours. I had to pee 4 times on a lil bowl the nurse had to place under my ass as I was lying down.... it SUCKED and was COMPLICATED! Also having a concussion sucked cuz it made me pull an exorcist (barf) infront of kent and I probably looked and sounded horrible!!!!!
Mami and I are going to need a surgery because we tore our ACL(doesnt heal ever) and MCL ligaments around our left knee. I can't sleep at night from the pain and I have physical anxiety which is not cool but at least I scored some valium! Im broke as fuck and I cant wait to get back home cuz I aint doing shit here. This trip turned out a little different than what I imagined but ; what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger right? I shall be harder faster better stronger then!
To all you folks out there, be strong. Things work out.
& now goodnight and Goodluck(about 9 months later I found out I also had a torn PCL, click on this link and read what they say about MCL, PCL AND ACL injuries) It just hurts so much to see the words; stretched & twisted
Tropical Dream