Friday, March 6, 2009

Tropical Dream

Tropical Dream
Peach Snapps
Orange juice
Cranberry juice
If drank repeatedly, can end up turning into:

"I'm Never drinking again!" were the first words I said this morning. I, again, got to the point of falling asleep everywhere because of how drunk I got last night. I went to Bifteck, Miami & Korova. Whenever I got to the next bar, it was as if I forgot I drank at the previous one and would drink enough for ten. On the cab ride, I tried to carefully vomit out the window. When I got out, the cab driver came out of the car and made me clean the window. As I was falling over, I tried my best to clean it with a napkin. My friend finally asked the man to let me go because he would pay for his car wash. I think I did a pretty good job anyway :P.
As I stumbled in my friend's apartment I ended up passing out on the floor with my face in a bowl in case I would need a vomit receptacle. (No idea how I am so responsible when I'm unconscious).


Best song of the night Lykke Li- Little bit

twice now. I have probably never been so infatuated with someone I have never met. Joe Jonas, oh you! It's completely ridiculous. Since its 3D, it really feels like he is in front of you, shaking his beautiful ass and looking into your eyes. PUDDLEEEEEEE!!!! I was screaming and ripping off Stef's arm and my sister's when I went with her on my second time. How wrong is it to imagine oneself with two brothers, doing things married people do?? Yes Joe(19) and Nick Jonas(16) ..... I'm going to bed ;)


jav said...

god, I love the Jonas brothers so very, very much. The 3D experience is just too good.

Camelia in the city said...

It really was. It was a little embarrassing though that I was screaming louder than the kids & singing along the whole time. I think its because the lil girls have pure and clean crushes on them. My crushes on Nick and Joe are filled with hopes of very sexually explicit moments and possibly at the same time so seeing them play their guitars and dance was just a constant tease... oh boy!