Monday, March 23, 2009

Is it because its wrong & bad & we shouldn't?

This clip, LITERALLY hurt me.
Why? You may ask.
Because of how badly I want this. 
The sexual tension. 
Knowing that it probably should not happen,
But wanting it with every inch of your body.

I want a man to just TAKE me. 
No, correction, I NEED a man to take me like this.
In the heat of the moment.

Oh sweet Jesus!!!

(It'll have to wait til my leg is all better unfortunately ... Dammit)


audible/visible said...

you know, you can hire people for that. :P

nihongo no benkyou ganbatte. nande nihongo wo naraitai no?

Camelia in the city said...

what does it mean? Im not really doing phrases yet.

Camelia in the city said...

Oh and I would never drop a penny for a man to do smthg he obviously WANTS to :P

glorious sandwiches said...

hey, that's how my last sex scene went haha. "this is wrong"