The holidays can be a pretty depressing time of year for people that either don't have anyone to celebrate it with or that are already going through a rough patch. I mean , IT'S A FACT, Suicide rates go WAYYY UP!
It's pretty sad, but understandable. I mean, being reminded of how lonely you truly are can't feel very good.
Not that my family really even celebrates Christmas but the dinner we have is on the 24th so comes the 25th, it doesn't even seem like christmas, especially when I didn't feel the christmas spirit to begin with. Therefore, what would be the perfect recipe for a boring as hell christmas evening?
yes, yes indeed.
I met up with Joshua, We were the perfect Anti-Christmas team; the Muslim and the Jew :P
We went to Korova, where we bumped into a few friends from different crews.
I'd pick long island ice teas & tequila shots over egg nog ANY DAY!!!
"Here's to our Non Christmas, Cheers!!!"

Oh Joshua! Do I enjoy your company? Yes, yes I do. You bring laughter back into my life & your sweet dance moves rock my world. I just remembered what we were dancing to & it was AWESOME!!!
"I'm just a girl
Guess I'm some kind of freak
'Cause they all sit and stare
With their eyes
I'm just a girl
Take a good look at me
Just your typical prototype
Oh... I've had it up to here I
Oh... am I making myself clear?"
While we were singing along, you made sure to always add the NOT when it was the I'm just a girl part. HILARIOUS!
I really enjoyed my night. I had heated discussions with 3 different people on Politics & Scientology. It's good to know that party goers are aware of what's going on around the world & are ALL smarter than Tom Cruise. hahaha
On another note, the cute second singer from The Stills was there(the shorter one).
Aw... he is so yummy. But what does one do when a guy is with his group of friends and a girl?
Their body language led me to believe that she might be his girlfriend, so I stayed away...
Why Did I have to go and be against home wrecking??!!
99% of girls don't give a shit about the "girls got to stick together" code, so why do I?
*inner monologue* " I don't know , maybe; values, morals, belief in karma.."
Meh.... James then told me from an apparent "trust worthy source" that he (The Stills) had herpes so I guess I was better off???
Maybe that would have been my bad karma if I did go against my better judgment & good morals.
Good Job Camelia! Good job.
I thought it would be appropriate to play a Stills tune, because of last night but also because of it's title.... so here's their first single(he is the one playing drums in the video): Still in love song
Phil you are freaking awesome!!!!!
( I told you I would put it in somewhere) THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID hahahaahahaahah
2$ chow mein was luckily open. I scarfed down peanut butter sauce noddles and a roll. It felt like heaven.
The owner gave me a water bottle for 25 cents since his sink wasn't working. sickkkk!!!
Then Joshua vanished, & I had no way of reaching phil so I ended taking a cab home. I had the nicest Bangoli cab driver. We had conversations about Islam, love, relationships, dreams, Gambling problems, Bangladesh & drinking.
Thankfully I wasn't too drunk & I was able to share my point of view on the different topics.
When I got home & heard foot steps, I was scared it was my mom again. She is always awake that woman & faking being sober IS getting easier but it's still not something I enjoy doing. It was only my sister fioooouuuu!!
Passing out to some Oc never felt better :)
Here are a few snap shots of my "Non Christmas Night"