For a little over a week now,
I found myself thinking:" You are a brave,good, intelligent, beautiful,loyal, hilarious, independent woman & you do NOT need a man's love to validate your life!"
I know I should listen to myself but knowing what you are and having someone forget all the great things about you & so easily leave you behind sorta puts a damp on the whole thing. You think;wait a minute, I'm not good enough for HIM!!!!???
And then start doubting yourself.(its a horrible thing women should never do to themselves.)
When did giving up on love become so easy?
Where did all the sparks go?
All these memories are flashing back in my head, old feelings reappear for an instant in my heart & butterflies multiply in my stomach; but I shut them down, I need to kill those butterflies for being the 1/2 that feels them is useless and painful.
"Some people are settling down, others settle but some people won't settle for anything less then...butterflies"
I don't want to settle for anything less, Im too young to just accept being "appreciated" or "cared for".
Will it come back? Will I find it with someone else? Or is there no more ZSA ZSA ZSU in store for me?
p.s: I'm going to my good friend's wedding on saturday and I don't have a date.
"Why does no +1 feels like it adds up to zero?" -Carrie Bradshaw

you are exactly what you said (beautiful, independant) and nothing less. and you will find someone who will make those butterflies flutter more than they ever did. i promise you my love!
so tell me. why cant I be a lesbian, you say the nicest things I would definitely date you.. but noooo I had to go and be straight and go for boys who pretend to care and as soon as things get rough they bail....
wow so I just cried....
dont worry its a good message from you. im just really emotional right now. I guess its from not taking the time to wallow
cam, thank you <333. i only speak the truth and you are an amazing person who deserves all the best in the world. i hate to see you sad; i know how hard it is. but you will be bestowed with amazing things in life soon. what chrissy said is right, think about the good times but also the bad. there is a reason things turned out this way. you want someone who treats you the way you deserve to be treated; like the wonderful person that you are.
chrissy, you said the exact same thing to me two days ago ... and i agree 100% with what you just said.
You are beautiful.
thank you Anonymous, Ive got to tell ya you sparked my interest. Its always nice to know that after whining about how lonely I am someone I dont know or do know(but doesnt wanna reveal his or her identity) thinks Im beautiful. It warms up my heart a little bit.
thanks for putting a smile on my face :)
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